Steamboat Property Owners ‘Association
Fairway Meadows Filing No. 1
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Members
March 11, 2013
3190 South Lincoln Avenue
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Prior to opening the meeting Morgan Moss with Yampatika provided an educational presentation on Stormwater and its connection to the Yampa River. Ben Beall with the City of Steamboat answered questions from the audience.
- Roll Call of Members: Board Vice President Ed McLaughlin called the meeting to order at approximately 6:35 PM and announced that a quorum of 75 total votes was present, with 21 represented in person and 54 by proxy.
- Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the March 5, 2012 annual meeting were approved by unanimous vote.
- Association Update:
Roundabout-Ed McLaughlin reported that he had contacted the City regarding the possibility of installing a roundabout at the intersection of Mt Werner and Steamboat Blvd. City records show there have been 29 accidents at this intersection in the past 13 years. Ben Bell indicated that the City plans to do something with the intersection long term (5-10 years), but that nothing specific has been decided at present.
Steamboat Blvd. Central Park Intersection-Ed McLaughlin reported that he had contacted the City regarding the dangerous condition at this intersection during winter months due to icy conditions. While City records show there have been 18 accidents in the past 13 years at this intersection, no change is planned for this intersection at the present time.
- Treasurers Report- Bill Sauter reviewed his written financial report, noting a starting balance of $38,156.37, income of $4488.00, expenses of $2132.82, for a year-end balance of $40,289.19. Bill reported that all owners are current in the payment of dues, the first time in a long while.
- Board of Directors Election– Ed McLaughlin indicated that the terms for Tom Dougan and Gary Pon expire this year and that no one has expressed interest to him in serving on the board. Tom and Gary expressed a willingness to serve another term. There were no nominations from the floor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the two members noted were approved by unanimous vote.
- Other Business:
Golf Advisory Committee Report-Bill Davis reported that several capital improvements had been made at the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Course last year (restroom renovation, cart path near the 15th tee box moved back from Fish Creek, new restaurant furniture and beetle tree removal). The Course was listed in the top 10 mountain courses in the Colorado Avid Golf magazine. Bill indicated that while the new Sheraton General Manager Dan Pirrallo is supportive of a new club house, the Course needs to operate on a profitable basis before anything is likely to happen. Bill mentioned that a very attractive new membership is now available. For a $12,500 initiation fee and a $5,000 annual fee for 5 years the member is entitled to unlimited golf for two with a cart (valued at about $4,000 per year) for the 5 year installment payment period until the membership is paid off.
Architectural Control Committee-No report.
Cluster Boxes-A question was raised as to whether any members present were experiencing any problems with snow removal at the cluster boxes. No problems were raised.
Electronic Notice-Ed McLaughlin mentioned that in the interest of improving efficiency and reducing administrative costs, the board has discussed the possible use of electronic mail for future communications to members. Gary Pon indicated that this would require an amendment to the SPOA CC&R and bylaws which would include prior written consent from members. In view of the favorable reaction to the use of electronic mail by members present, the board will follow-up on this matter.
Compliance with SPOA CC&R Restrictions-Some members reported incidents of wildlife in the neighborhood this winter as well as violations with trash receptacles. Please be aware that in accordance with City regulations, trash receptacles should not be put out until 7am on the day of scheduled pickup. Also, the SPOA CC&R provides that trash containers “shall be kept inside a residence or in an enclosed structure except on the day of pickup” and trash receptacles should be brought in that night. Finally, as a reminder, trailers, motorhomes or campers are not allowed to be parked on owners’ property for more than 30 days during any 180 day period.
- Adjournment: Upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Pon, Secretary
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