Steamboat Property Owners ‘Association
Fairway Meadows Filing No. 1
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Members
March 5, 2012
3190 South Lincoln Avenue
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
- Roll Call of Members: Board Vice President Ed McLaughlin called the meeting to order at approximately 6:15 PM and announced that a quorum of 64 total votes was present, with 20 votes in attendance and 44 proxies. He mentioned that Andy Weynand has accepted a new position out of town and will no longer be able to participate in our Association.
- Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the January 24, 2011 annual meeting were approved by unanimous vote.
- Association Update:
Architectural Committee Report-Don Ihlenfeldt reported that no new construction had come before the committee.
Golf Advisory Committee Report-Bill Davis reported that the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Course finished last season in the very good condition. Repairs were made to the bridges, fairways and cart paths while redoing the sand traps has been put on the back burner. The Sheraton General Manager John Curnow has accepted another position and will be missed. No new memberships have been sold. Starwood is looking into a new clubhouse. The Ski Touring Center is unable to offer a special discount to Association members. The Advisory Committee has a meeting scheduled this week.
- Treasurers Report: Treasurer Bill Sauter reviewed his written financial report, noting a starting balance of $36,100.83, income of $4658.32, expenses of $2602.78, for a year-end balance of $38,156.37. Bill reported that one owner is two years delinquent and one owner is one year delinquent in the payment of dues. The Association continues to place liens on seriously past due properties.
- Dues: Current annual dues are $25 per single family home and $50 per duplex. No change was proposed for 2012 dues and notices will be mailed out this month.
- Board of Directors Election: Vice President Ed McLaughlin noted that we have 4 openings on the Board. The three members whose terms expire this year, Tom Dougan, Rich Danter and Bill Sauter are all willing to serve another term. Paul Longsdorf offered to fill the fourth opening on the Board. There were no nominations from the floor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the four members noted were approved by unanimous vote.
- Other Business:
Cluster Boxes: A suggestion was made that the Association provide for snow removal adjacent to the postal cluster boxes as is reportedly done by some other Associations in the area. It appears that this responsibility may fall upon a small number of homeowners who receive their mail via the cluster boxes regularly. Bill Sauter indicated that there are 8 postal cluster boxes dispersed within Fairway Meadows Filing 1 and that he obtained a quote from one contractor of $60 per snow event. Based upon 40 snow days last season this would amount to an annual cost of $2400. A show of hands from the floor suggested very little support for the suggestion. Vice President Ed McLaughlin welcomed input from the floor on this suggestion and indicated that the Board would discuss the suggestion.
City Water System: A member suggested that owners might be alert for a humming sound coming from the vicinity of their water meter as this could be indicative of a malfunction of the pressure reducing valve on the water main which reduces the pressure from the high pressure of the water supply to the relatively lower pressure of the house. If an owner detects such a humming sound it was suggested that they contact their neighbor(s) to ascertain if they are having any problem with their water system as apparently the original water system for Fairway Meadow homes utilized a Y-connection from the main in order to route water to two adjacent homes.
Roundabout: A suggestion was made that the Association explore the possibility of getting the City to install a roundabout at the intersection of Mt Werner Road and Steamboat Blvd. to help alleviate congestion and traffic flow. A show of hands from the floor indicated widespread support for the suggestion. Vice President Ed McLaughlin indicated that he would explore this suggestion with the City and report back to the Association Board.
Road Signage: A suggestion was made that the City be requested to post some type of warning sign in the vicinity of Steamboat Blvd. and Central Park Drive to alert drivers of the hazard of making a right turn from Steamboat Blvd. onto Central Park Drive during the winter when the streets are often icy. Vice President Ed McLaughlin indicated that he would include this matter with his inquiry regarding a roundabout.
- Adjournment: Upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Pon, Secretary
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