Steamboat Property Owners Association
Minutes of April 27, 2017 Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Rich Danter by proxy, Tom Dugan, Bill Hibbard, Paul Longsdorf by proxy, Gary Pon, Marcia Pryde, and Bill Sauter;
Owner Nathan Halprin was present by telecom.
Bill Hibbard called the meeting to order at 1400 Delta Queen Ct. at approximately 4pm.
- Application for STR for 1209 Memphis Belle Ct. Mr. Halprin made comments to the board regarding his intentions with short-term rentals emphasizing that the property would only be rented by family and close friends and for only part of the year. Mr. Halprin was advised that the board had received comments from 13 Owners objecting to approval of the application. Mr. Halprin suggested if his application is denied the board give consideration to prohibiting all short-term rentals. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made that the application be approved subject to the Owner agreeing not to advertise the property, rental would only be to family and close friends, and total rentals would not exceed 30 percent of the year. There being no second, the motion failed. It was then moved and seconded that the application be denied. Following a brief discussion and a vote by secret ballot the motion for denial passed by a vote of 6 to 1.
- Approval of Minutes-Minutes from the February 28th, April 3rd, & April 6th board meetings were approved. Copies will be posted on the SPOA website along with a draft copy of the minutes of the April 3rd Annual Meeting.
- Adjournment-It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that the meeting be adjourned at approximately 4:48pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gary Pon, Board Secretary